Tech Brands Colors
The official Google colors are blue, red, yellow and green. We recommend using the Google color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, Hex for web and the Pantone colors can be seen below.'s Google Chart palette contains 4 colors including #c44129,#ec9332,#3e8410,#0560bd, available in PNG / SVG / JSON and SCSS format for your next design project.
Google color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex
The official Google colors are blue, red, yellow and green. We recommend using the Google color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. 'All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today.' Indian Proverb.
Blue | Hex color: | #4285F4 |
RGB: | 66 133 244 | |
CMYK: | 88 50 0 0 | |
Pantone: | PMS 660 C |
Red | Hex color: | #DB4437 |
RGB: | 219 68 55 | |
CMYK: | 0 78 85 12 | |
Pantone: | PMS 7619 C |
Yellow | Hex color: | #F4B400 |
RGB: | 244 180 0 | |
CMYK: | 0 20 90 0 | |
Pantone: | PMS 123 C |
Green | Hex color: | #0F9D58 |
RGB: | 15 157 88 | |
CMYK: | 82 0 67 11 | |
Pantone: | PMS 7724 C |
- The brand colors are confirmed by the Visual Brand Guidelines.
- The Google hex colors are confirmed by the SVG logo on Google's website.
Darker color palettes
Color Palette Google Chrome Plugin
Defining your palette
Darker colors are more suitable for social environments as they make screens less obtrusive. When used in OLED displays, darker colors also better preserve battery life.
To create a dark color palette for your app, modify only the brightness value of your app's primary color, leaving the hue and saturation values intact. Grays should be avoided, as any tint of color is more battery-efficient than any shade of gray or white.
UI regions
The example palette displayed here depicts a dark color palette for Wear OS:
Color Palette Google
UI region | Suggested brightness value |
App color | Default color palette value |
1 Black background | 0% |
2 Lighter background 1 | 20% |
3 Lighter background 2 | 30% |
4 Darker UI element | 40% |
5 Lighter UI element | 55% |
6 Active UI element | 65% |
7 Accent |
70s Color Palette Google
Use the darker spectrum of colors for large parts of the UI, such as the background color. Reserve lighter colors for accents and UI elements.